Tuesday, November 1

The Superfishul

It is so unbelievably frustrating to try and have a conversation, even a brief one, with someone who is SO UNAWARE that they can't look beneath the surface of things for even a moment.

I realize that it's a challenge, but at some point, we all have to stop listening to the "stories" we are telling ourselves and dig in to find out what's really going on. Otherwise we're permanent toddlers. They call it "the terrible twos" for a reason. Don't get developmentally stuck there.

I may sound a little arrogant. But I'm human, I have limits, and I have reached them! I can no longer tolerate insipid, shallow individuals. I hate having to put up a wall to protect myself when I'm around such people; I'd love to be able to walk around vulnerable and transparant all the time. So they're slowly being cut from my life.

Snip snip.

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