Saturday, November 5

Bliss Bunnies at School

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Some thoughts on my first weekend of classes at IIN:

How do I find the balance between taking in the information I desire, fully immersing in a community but still avoid feeling like a sheep in a cult? My natural instincts are FLEE FLEE FLEE. My teenager is resisting and rebelling and wanting to distance myself. My cynic is screaming.

Some of the graduates who spoke today seemed to attribute all their happiness and fulfillment to their experience with the school. In the past, I've run into some who have expected me to attribute my fulfillment to my previous 6 month program that I completed. I don't. It was a large part of my recent process, but I STRONGLY feel that my change, my process, my power, my voice--they come only from within myself. Laughing Sage Wellness (link to the right) was something I sought out when I was already along my path, not something that formed my path.

It sets my teeth on edge when people testify that they owe their happiness or relationships to a particular program. It is so disempowering!

And when they seem blissed-out--too happy, too cheery, too smiley, too bloody holy in a way--I just cringe.

Bliss Bunnies aren't real and they can't sustain it forever.

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