Wednesday, November 23

Balancing Out My Last Post

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Stuff I love:

  • I have lots of free new music on my iPod, a majority of which I actually like and quite a few I seriously dig.
  • My new haircut and color makes me feel groovy even when I'm dressed like a schlub.
  • I'm thinner than when I graduated high school and I'm stronger and in better shape than I've been in my whole life.
  • My fuzzy warm kitties let me smush my hand in their fur to fall asleep.
  • Doing health history consultations with people who really give over into the process is fulfilling and educational.
  • Listening to punk rock on my headphones while shopping in Bloomingdale's while wearing a coat from Target makes me feel sneaky.
  • Walking everywhere feels amazing.
  • Surprises from friends; even though extraordinarily rare, are extraordinarily appreciated.
  • It's fantastic being sore from a kick-ass workout; but not so sore that I can't work out again tomorrow.
  • My own cooking is damn good.
  • I finally have some new pants.
  • Whenever I shop alone, I always meet friendly strangers.
  • Healthy men freaking rock and they move my soul.
  • Supportive women are a tremendous comfort.
  • Earth Matters and Cafe Pick Me Up are rad places to do IIN homework or write in my journal.
  • Free Wi Fi is awesome.

See? I CAN write a positive post.

So There.

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