Friday, December 16

Shoot me Up

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I have hyperhidrosis. Oh no! I'm dying!


Hyperhidrosis means that I have overactive sweat glands, specifically in my hands and feet. They DRIP sweat. It's gross. And it makes it really hard to type or write (the paper gets smudgy and wrinkled) or do yoga or shake hands or lots of those things.

And there aren't any good treatments! There are topical thingies that are basically super duper anti-perspirents. They don't work so well for me. Or there's these elctro-shock tanks that you can put your hands and feet in for like an hour a day and it sends electric currents through you and might help. But it's really painful and time consuming. Or there's this surgery where they cut a nerve in your neck. But that results in compensatory sweating, which means that suddenly your ASS sweats like crazy. Thaaaaaat's not cool.

There is one other treatment, and that's the one I do. Every six months or so, I get over 150 injections in the palms of my hands and bottoms of my feet of BOTOX. It's not 100% effective, it's really expensive, it doesn't last much longer than the six months, it's toxic, and it HURTS LIKE HELL.

I mean...think of it. THINK of it. When have you had shots IN THE PALMS OF YOUR HANDS? The worst, though, are the ones on the bottom of my big toe. Owwww.

So why all this shpiel? I'm doing it again Monday at 2 PM. Anyone wanna' come watch?

1 comment:

Ashwin Alexander said...

Hey! I suffer from hyperhidrosis too. And is always nice to read someone else's account of the condition.I doubt if I'll ever go in for those Botox injections.But it's good to know such a solution exists...

Me,I'm gonna keep waiting and praying for a pill to rid me of it once and for all!