Wednesday, December 14

It's ME and it's ALWAYS ME

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Why must I be one person all the time? Someone wondered to me last night if that was the real me, or if the person he knew at other times was the real me. They're both the real me. It's all the real me. I may have different aspects to my personality and I may sometimes play with varying personas...but they're all me. I live a more integrated life than most, I've found...and it's ALL ME.

Because you know what? I can't stand it when I'm not being "me". When I feel anything other than my true self, it makes me ill. It makes me hate strangers because I'm really hating myself. So I don't do it. I'm me, goddamnit. I'm always me. It's always me. The silly, sarcastic laughing me is me. The solemn, reserved withdrawn me is me. The thoughtful kind generous me is me. The selfish bratty cruel me is me. The wounded little girl is me. The strong powerful woman is me. The needy weak one is me. The isolating powerhouse is me. The dork is me. The partyer is me. I'm me with red hair or blonde. I'm me when I was 230 pounds or when I'm a size 6. It's fucking ME.

So let ME be.

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