Thursday, December 1

Lookie What I Made!!!

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Ooooh, such a good day and such a good night. I'm diggin' December 1st.

Tonight at the New Moon Ceremony at the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (I know, I know, I'm a New Age Hippie Dippie PUNK), we had such an amazing creative meditative experience. The drawing above is what came to me after a guided visualization meditation on future self. I would LOVE someone to turn this into a fantastical blue-hued tattoo.

Below is what I wrote after a long (25 minute) silent meditation on unity. It ain't my best work, but it somewhat expresses part of a vision I had.

Hands cover my body.

Some support. Two grip my upper thighs--I feel strong fingers press into my flesh. Not so hard that I fear spotty bruising; but hard enough that there is no mistaking their presence. These are the hands of an older woman.

Other supportive hands hold the back of my neck. Firmly, they cradle me so that holding my head is no great effort. They prevent me from straining and so I am free to look forward without pain.

Hands of tougher love are pushing me along. A gentle pressure on my lower back is a motherly fatherly prodding into life.

My shoulders, too, are subject to this force. For once I do not desire to resist being shoved from the nest...I've far outgrown it.

Atop my head rests a hand of assurance. A calming flow of chi enters my crown and suffuses my body with a warm golden glow. This is not an earthly hand.

Nor is the hand over my heart of this world. That radiant hand also ignores the assigned chakra hues; instead imparting a red warmth into my chest. I can't help but sigh.

The hands on the tops of my thighs caress my skin. They are loving hands--both sexual and neutral. They make me tingle and make me smile.

Tickling my upper arms are more hands in motion. The gentle excitation of my flesh is such a pleasurable feeling. I'm so glad they want to touch me.

Baby hands. Old hands. Young hands. Male hands. Female hands. Craggy, smooth, bony, plump.

I never knew they were there.

And I hope they never leave.

Ahhhh. I have to say it again, especially since life's been a little difficult of late: I loved loved loved today.

And, of course, once again as always...I cried throughout the meditations. It isn't about being's about tapping into an energy so huge that I can't possibly contain it and it just comes leaking out my eyeballs.

And I love that too.

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