Thursday, December 8

Presented Without Commentary

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  • My ex's dad died yesterday and I'm going to the viewing tomorrow. I've never seen a dead body in person before.
  • A woman at the energy workshop tonight was so fucking fidgety and annoying I visualized her head popping off like a giant zit.
  • My cellphone is practically glued to my hands because I'm waiting to hear about my uncle "any minute now".
  • A most amazing friend stayed with me to help me get through the night of death calls.
  • I did something very unhealthy this morning.
  • I got another replacement iPod today and this one works (yay!) and the guy helping me was lots of fun.
  • For the first time practically EVER, I forgot my pack of multi-colored pens today. I haven't been a day without them almost since I got them. A couple are running low on ink. I use the pink one disproportionately often.
  • I did something somewhat unhealthy an hour ago.
  • H&M had a really awesome black scarf that was super cheap. It's cozy and I want to hug it.
  • I feel squishy and fuzzy right now and I keep spacing out.
No analysis.

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