Wednesday, January 18

Opening The Gates

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I've been having trouble posting lately.

Not technical trouble...

Journaling has been a challenge, too. I open my notebook, even write a couple sentences--and then go nowhere. It's not that I have nothing to say; almost as if there is so much going on I don't know what to focus on.

I've excavated my life.

I've reconnected with some friends.

I've distanced from others.

I've flowed with life.

I've opened new chapters.

I've tested new waters.

I've overextended.

I've calmed and withdrawn.

I've felt contented.

I've felt lacking.

I've felt fulfilled.

I've felt scared.

I've been reintroduced to myself.

How do I even begin to elaborate on any of that? So much of my thought is wordless and I fear that the attempt to constrain my contemplations to human language would do myself a disservice.

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