Tuesday, January 3

Brunch at Five O'Clock...More Diary Than Diatribe

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So Saturday started out with a "meh". Gloominess both inside and outside my head. If it hadn't been for lovely people in from out of town and my desire to be with them, I wouldn't have braved the weather or my mood for that cold New Years' Night. And like so many others before me, I had the brilliant idea that "Alcohol will make it better!"


Okay, it did. Not that I EVER like turning to something like that to lift me out of a mood. Usually that's when I refuse to drink. I only want to drink if it is fully my celebratory choice, not if I feel like I *have* to in order to feel more comfortable/fun/relaxed/whatever. But I did. And I did end up having fun. I danced until every single part of me was sweaty. I danced until the DJ started sucking. I danced until my sister had to feel me up in order to get the butch (but attractive) lesbian to stop humping my leg. She was sweet and all, but I just don't swing that way chickie.

Despite a wee bit of a hangover, we made it to brunch the next day. Well. Is it still brunch if it's dark out before you even start eating? It was a freaking bizzaro blast. Some tidbits:

  • If somebody passes a communion wafer from their mouth to yours, is it considered a threesome?
  • It's somewhat strange, but somehow okay for the hostess to arrive over an hour and a half late to her own party.
  • When used tampons are thrown out of your life, they pick themselves up, move on, settle down with a nice rubber band and a couple of spools of thread and set up home in a lovely waffle-maker built for two. Yup they do.
  • A phrase nobody has uttered before and probably won't ever again: "Do we need a microwave for anything? Because I have one in the front seat of my car if you need it."
  • Keilbasa, chocolate chip cookies, salsa, frittata, and blueberry pancakes go fabulously well together.
On another note entirely...it has been so amazingly helpful for me to gain some perspective on things. Having a friend reflect to me has been reassuring and eye-opening. It's too easy to question and doubt and wonder when the only witness is myself and the only analysis is within my own head. But with a third (or even a fourth) party seeing things for themselves, I'm reassured that certain things are exactly what I think...and certain things are not. Some are good; some need to be addressed. And some things need to STOP. And they're going to. Because the phrases in my head have changed and it feels different. A necessary separation is taking place. Several, actually.

These are good things.

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