Sunday, January 22


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There's something I got used to doing for myself every day (or nearly) and I didn't do it today and I'm feeling its absence.

Where can the line between self-care and dependance be drawn? I fear that healthy reliance can morph into addiction.

I am a seeker of healers, helpers and therapies. I am proud of this, to a certain extent, as I feel it reflects my constant desire to grow, expand, learn and change. But can this unending search be nothing more than a distraction, much like the interminable student?

What isn't a distraction, really? Any interest, hobby or activity could be labeled as such, I suppose, if these events are pursued with the desire to take us out of ourselves. Conversely, extreme self-exploration can in actuality become an avoidance of self. Navel-gazing syndrome as it were. Or more perhaps we fall into avoidance of life rather than avoidance of self.

The unexamined life is not worth living...but the over-analyzed life is not free to really LIVE.

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