Tuesday, December 12

Words From The Unconscious

A couple of weeks ago I was having some really memorable dreams. When I awoke, I had whole phrases, even whole stanzas in my head. And I remembered them. I haven't been able to expand on them yet (forseen circumstances and all) but I wanted to post them. Perhaps someone else will be inspired.

So, the first bunch of claptrap that spewed fully formed from my unconscious flotsam and jetsam:

I see a lost little girl
I see a man with no name
A boy with tears in his eyes
Rockstar seeking his fame
I see a mirror
You’re a mirror

You know you’re killing yourself
Just as sure as with a gun
The self-destructive kind of fun
You know you’re not the only one
We’re all in pain
And the second thing...well the second thing made even less sense. I suppose the best way to try and understand it is to read it with a southern accent:
That kid was so green he was suckin’ honey through a straw when I met him.
Yeah. Oy my dreams. Wish I were having them now. Wish I were sleeping now.

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