Friday, August 25

3, 2, 1...Done.

This is it, man. I am DONE. Three days ago I gave the universe three days...three days to fuck with me. Three more days to ream me up the ass. Three more days where I would respond only with a "Thank you, Sir. May I please have another?"

And now I'm done.

Got it? The universe, the universe is no longer allowed to screw around. I've been dealing with friends' meltdowns, family's health, family's death, family's feud, my heartache, my health, my career, my parents' marriage falling to shit... The hits just keep on coming. I'm so fucking tired. I don't sleep. I finally started eating again.

It's like having a bad cold. You know how when you have a cold, your throat hurts worse in the morning and worse at night, but during the middle of the day you feel kind of okay? It's like that. During the day, I'm coping pretty well. I even have fun sometimes! There are actually instances of laughter. But early in the morning, and GOD especially late at night, it's bad. Bad bad bad. I've never been one to cry myself to sleep, but fuck if I'm not crying myself to sleep. Well, that's kind of a poor description. I sob in bed until I get aaaaall tuckered out. Then I pass the fuck out.

Aren't I fun? Aren't I cute? Don't you want to hang out with this? Fucking hell.

Hey, I think I might be tapping into some anger here. That's a good thing. I could use that power.

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