Friday, March 3

Everything Is Ker-Fucked

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My computer is dead. The hard drive is fried and is awaiting resurrection at the Apple Store. I'm paying them $50 to try and get my documents/movies/music/shite off the damn thing. I borrowed an ex's old (slow) laptop in the meantime. At least it works and I have internet access, even if I don't have any of my documents or blahdy blah.

But that ain't all.

My TV is broken. The image is all messed up. I already had a technician out here several weeks ago. He "fixed" it, but as he was trying to leave (after arriving over 2 hours LATER than then END of his scheduled appointment time) I realized it wasn't fixed at all. He reluctantly admitted that my image is crap and that he needed to order a part. I just got a call yesterday that the bloody part has arrived. The earliest available appointment is March 29th, at which point they will call me at 9 AM THAT MORNING to bless me with an appointment time slot. Which they will most likely ignore and show up whenever the hell they feel like it.

My cable is broken. (Unrelated to the TV) This is the 4th or 5th time that my DVR box has been broken in this same way. In the less than 2 years that I've even HAD DVR. The earliest appointment is next Friday from 8 to 12. I have a conflicting appointment then. Well, not anymore I guess. That'll have to be cancelled. When they replace my DVR I will once again lose all my saved shows and any shows I've scheduled to record.

My telephone is broken. More specifically, the headphone jack. It's still under warranty, but the only way to get it fixed is to send it in, at which time it will take about 2 weeks to be replaced with a "refurbished" one. What am I supposed to do without a phone for 2 weeks?

Both oven lights are out and I don't even know how to remove the bulbs in order to get them replaced. Plus the oven has been heating unevenly and I don't even know who to call to get that fixed.

The drawer on my butcher block is broken. It hangs to the right and I have no idea how to remedy that.

The lamps in my bedroom broke long ago. In fact, it has been almost a year that I have been without anything other than a small, dim bedside lamp to illuminate my room.

The light fixture in my bathroom keeps using up bulbs too quickly. I keep meaning to just replace the whole damn thing, as each bulb is about $20 and the fixture takes three of them. I can't seem to manifest that occurrence.

About 6 months ago, I bought caulking and marble refinishing tools to fix my bathtub and sink that are a mess. Guess what? Still a mess.

My toilet seat is broken. It has always been broken. It slides around. I had a plumber out to fix it once. Not only did he not fix it, but he broke a different, unrelated piece on the thing while he was at it. It's an electric, ridiculously expensive, strange commode. Normal plumbers seem to be flummoxed by it.

My vacuum cleaner broke last month. That's the only thing I've actually taken care of. I bought a new one.

What the fuck, dude? What. The. Fuck.

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