Wednesday, March 15

Grow Some Salty Balls You Hypocrite

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So, Isaac Hayes quit South Park.

Purportedly, the man quit because he couldn't tolerate being on a show that couldn't tolerate others' religious beliefs. Or some such claptrap. Yeah. Making fun of "religious beliefs" is what put him over the edge. Of course, he didn't seem to mind when South Park made fun of the
Black People
Recovering Alcoholics
Developmentally Disabled
Physically Disabled
Ill and Infirm
Fat People
Pop Stars
Shit...I can't think of a group that South Park hasn't attempted to offend at one point or another.

That's the goddamn beauty of the show, people! Even though for me it has lost its luster over the years (maybe I've grown up or something silly like that) at least I could count on the fact that the creators of the show didn't discriminate...Because they discriminate against EVERYBODY! They don't make fun of just fat people or just Jews...they take the piss out of every population segment possible.

So. Isaac Hayes is a Scientologist. He's also black and fat and bald, but he didn't seem to mind when the show picked on those categories. And he didn't mind when a Virgin Mary statue bled out of its ass and he didn't mind when Cartman made fun of Jews on EVERY FRIGGING EPISODE. But, damn, you've crossed a line when you dare to pick at a pseudo-religious cult founded by a Science Fiction writer and followed by the looniest of the loons out in La-La Land.

I know I'm not saying anything new or noteworthy here. I know Scientology is freak central and we all think it's stupid for Mr. Hayes to have up and quit over such a lame excuse. It's just I'm finally personally offended. Hypocritical soapbox behavior is disgusting. Inauthenticity offends me more than anything else. Gross, Isaac. Gross.

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