Saturday, March 4

New York Courts Have A Hard-On For Me

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Just got a thingy in the mail. A "survey" if you will. A "Jury Survey". NOT a SUMMONS, they were clear to point out.


The survey bastard is the preamble to the summons. Did I NOT just serve in January? A mere LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AGO?!?! S'posed to be good for 4 years. Guess the government didn't get the memo.

Here's a fun aspect: In order to prove that I've served in the last 4 years, I'm supposed to send in a photocopy of my "proof of service". My service was so recent that I haven't even received that lovely Get Out of Jail Free Card in the mail yet.

I want to know why I seem to be at the top of the jury pool list. This is now the 5th time in the last 6 years that they've tried to call me in.

If only I had been this popular in High School....

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