Sunday, October 29

These Pics are a Couple Weeks Old But...

I thought I'd share. Been meaning to for awhile but have been bizzeee. Which is good. Next post will talk all 'bout that. Maybe. :)

We went a-partyin'. Yay!

Rani and I dance like freaks. We do. It's okay.

But at least we love each other...

Oh yes we do!

Like you needed more proof?

Sexy girlies! Me, Rani, and Rachel

That's more like it!

I swear to god I'm going to have T-shirts made that say "Mutual Admiration Society". It's ridonkulous.

So silly!

Kay, this is not as dirty as it looks. Oh, wait. Yes it is.

Yes, we are all laying on a bed. At "Bed". It's a New York thing. (More like a B&T thing, to tell the truth.)

Okay, this is as bad as it looks, too. Hee...

'Twas fun...

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