Monday, February 13

Not-So-Missing Links

Some stuff:
  • I've been using these again and that's REALLY going to piss Lisa off.
  • I miss this guy. I haven't seen him in way too long.
  • I really need to make an appointment here and here. But I don't have time. And I don't want to.
  • This stuff sucks. I need to find a better brand.
  • I'm still working on my site, but it's coming along. I want to totally re-vamp it, though. Make it more "my" style instead of "their" style.
  • A shitload of this and more is sitting in my fridge. I was in the kitchen for an absurdly long time tonight. I also made some of this. But crispy style!
  • I now have five paying clients, thanks to setting up a table.
  • Sam and I almost watched this last night, but we ended up pausing after five minutes and talking all night instead.
  • I didn't make it here this week, which sucked. But I did it on my own with a CD today. I set myself up so I was facing my windows and I watched the snow drift past while I stretched and breathed for an hour and a half.
  • Stupid shit. Repair dude is coming Friday.
  • Other stupid shit. I have to send this one in. So what am I supposed to do without it for two weeks?
  • Some people come into your life at exactly the right time and are just freaking awesome.
  • Oh crap. I just remembered I forgot to sort through my stuff for pick-up.
  • Made me cry two weeks in a row. I LOVE this show.
It's 2 AM and I've been meaning to get to bed earlier. Yeah, that's working out well. I'm gonna' try that now.

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