Saturday, June 23

Slow and Steady Saves my Face

What a crazy crazy crazy week. Much of that a good thing, though.

People are coming out of the woodwork in droves. Droves I tell you! From friends who were otherwise occupied for some time to folks that I had no longer considered friends. I've been weighing my options and responses carefully and answering slowly.

One I am still blocking. Protective measures had to be made. There are only so many times I will tolerate some things. I want to be "nice" and I want to rescue (people, animals, relationships, anything) but I can't and won't anymore.

One I am cautiously reconnecting. We'll see where coffee goes.

One I am simply opening the door. Come in, don't come in. It's up to you. You reached out but I'll believe it when I see it. At least I'm not vulnerable there.

On a different note...

I'm proud of myself!! I did decide to drink some last night but I did not get "wasted" and even though there was a cute guy who seemed perhaps interested and who drove me most of the way home (I was going from Brooklyn to Manhattan after all. If he'd driven me any further we'd be in the water, but I wasn't about to ask a perfect stranger to make that trek at 4 in the morning) I didn't kiss him. Not at all! Not a smooch. I gave him a thank-you hug. See? I can be appropriate. Once in a while.

That's the thing. I'm challenging myself to be appropriate, not just for propriety's sake, but for my own ultimate health and happiness. In every arena. Taking anything slow ain't easy for me.

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