Monday, April 24

More Funny Things

I like Pearls Before Swine. What? Comics are good. Tasty, delicious and lo-cal.

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Sunday, April 23

Ain't Been Here In A While

Some of you (all two of you) may have noticed I haven't posted in, well, a REALLY LONG ASS TIME.

It's good. It's because I've been seriously busy and haven't had the time to introspect in a ridiculously self-indulgent way. As I had been.

But I want to post. But I don't feel like writing bunches and bunches. So I'm going to share some of my favorite "Pearls Before Swine" comic strips. What? You thought I was all smart and junk and would write cool shit? Pshh! Whatev's. Enjoy the strips.

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There are sooo many more I've saved and lurve. I'm gonna' post more soon. Easier than thinking of things with my brain. My poor mushy brain.